The World’s Most Celebrated WhistleblowerDestroyed Swiss bank secrecy, aided numerous foreign governments, responsible for repatriating more than $30 billion back to the United States.“The most significant financial whistleblower of all time.”– CNBC
Speaker/ExpertGlobally sought after expert on illegal offshore banking and tax evasion."If a single person can be credited with drawing popular attention to the offshore world, it may be Bradley Birkenfeld"– Financial Times
Author/AdvocatePenned the bestselling book, Lucifer’s Banker UNCENSORED: The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy“This is perhaps one of the best corporate crime books ever written.”– Corporate Crime Reporter
UNCENSOREDPREFACE“There isn't enough makeup at Estée Lauder to cover up for that
family's secret numbered bank accounts at UBS in Switzerland.”—DOUGLAS K. BIRKENFELD